Bradford Found Guilty on Five Counts

On Dec. 14 in state court, a jury of six found Rudolph Bradford guilty of illegally slaughtering animals in his backyard. He will be sentenced Jan. 13, 2023. We will let you know details when we receive them.

Assistant Solicitor-General Karen Scott and assistant attorney Daniel Sanmiguel presented a solid case and persuasive closing arguments. Ms. Scott is pleased that guilty verdicts were returned on the first three charges dealing with illegal slaughtering of animals on residential property. The other two guilty verdicts dealt with inappropriate parking and storage of machinery.

Bradford was found not guilty of the four counts dealing with his license and four other nuisance charges.

Ms. Scott asked that Judge Purdom consider fining him $1,000 on each count and requiring a 600-day sentence (300 days would be suspended if he closed the abattoir within 90 days of sentencing.) 

Bradford is still advertising his slaughtering business on Craig’s list.

Clearly, a guilty verdict is not enough to get him to shut down the illegal slaughtering operation. The Georgia Department of Agriculture records show that he has slaughtered 7,209 cows, pigs, goats, and sheep since the state began keeping records in 2016.

In addition to the dedication of attorneys Scott and Sanmiguel, thanks also goes to DeKalb County Senior Code Compliance Officer Shaun Shaifer and to Solicitor-General Investigator Barbara Floyd.   We also appreciate the efforts of Investigator Tessa Bowers who worked hard on this case until her untimely death in July 2022.

Senior Housing Text Amendment Passed

On Dec. 13, the BOC unanimously passed the text amendment to allow senior housing in the center area of the closed Hidden Hills golf course. Commissioner Mereda Davis Johnson made the motion and mentioned Hidden Hill’s support. Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson commended the community for thinking of the needs of seniors who might want to downsize and age in place. 

This amendment makes it possible to put a several-story residential tower for seniors in the southeast quadrant of Tier Five rather than an office building.

Status on Closed Golf Course Development

McKinley Homes is the residential developer that has won approval to put 228 townhomes and a 240-apartment community in Tier Five, the former clubhouse area of the closed Hidden Hills golf course. McKinley Homes continues to work through the land development permitting process.  Vice President Bill Schmidt said that an agreement to provide sewer service has been reached with the County. The company is still addressing comments on the permit application and expects to be completed with that phase by early spring 2023.  He says that if the sewer repairs are on schedule, the company hopes to start development in summer 2023.

Video Surveillance Now Required at Convenience Stores

Thanks to Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson, DeKalb County now requires all convenience stores and high-risk businesses to own and operate a video surveillance system.  The commissioner has been working hard for this legislation for years. It goes into effect June 30, 2023.  You may read the ordinance at this link:

The next meeting of GHHCDC will be Feb. 18, 10 a.m., via Zoom.

Details will be provided in a few weeks.

We always appreciate your support.

Membership is $25 for individuals and $125 for neighborhood associations and businesses. 

or go directly to PayPal:

May you have a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!

Thank you for reading. Let’s keep working together to leave our community better than we found it!

Jan Costello

Slaughterhouse Trial Link Dec. 13, 9 a.m.

On Dec. 13, 2022, 9:00 a.m., Rudolph Bradford’s trial in state court begins. It will be in Judge Wayne Purdom’s courtroom in the Decatur courthouse at 556 N. McDonough St. Seating is limited, but the trial  will be streamed. Here is the link to the trial:

It will be in Judge Wayne Purdom’s courtroom in the Decatur courthouse at 556 N. McDonough St. Seating is limited, but the trial will be streamed.

Bradford faces charges for defying a cease-and-desist order that told him to close down the slaughtering operation in his backyard at 1676 Rice Road, Lithonia. This site is near Redan Elementary School. 

Rudolph Bradford slaughtered 112 animals in his backyard in November 2022, consisting of 8 cattle, 59 goats, and 45 sheep.  The Georgia Department of Agriculture records show that he has slaughtered 5,079 cows, pigs, goats, and sheep since the cease-and-desist order was issued March 19, 2019.

He has slaughtered 7,209 animals since the state began keeping records in 2016.

Slaughterhouse – A Trial Date is set!

On Dec. 13, 2022, 9:00 a.m., Rudolph Bradford’s trial in state court begins. It will be in Judge Wayne Purdom’s courtroom in the Decatur courthouse at 556 N. McDonough St. Seating is limited, but the trial  will be streamed. We will post the link on this website once we get it.

Bradford faces charges for defying a cease-and-desist order that told him to close down the slaughtering operation in his backyard at 1676 Rice Road, Lithonia. This site is near Redan Elementary School. 

Rudolph Bradford slaughtered 120 animals in his backyard in October 2022, consisting of 20 cattle, 61 goats, and 39 sheep.  The Georgia Department of Agriculture records show that he has slaughtered 4,967 cows, pigs, goats, and sheep since the cease-and-desist order was issued March 19, 2019. 

He has slaughtered 7,097 animals since the state began keeping records in 2016.

Text Amendment to Allow Senior Housing in Hidden Hills Overlay

The Board of Commission votes Dec. 13 on the text amendment that will allow senior housing in Hidden Hills.  It’s decision-only, so no public comments will be allowed. We received unanimous support from the District 5 Community Council and the Planning Commission.  The change allows the senior housing to qualify as part of the mixed-use requirement of the zone that affects the central part of the closed golf course.  McKinley Homes has already received approval to build 228 townhomes and a managed apartment community (240 apartments).

Housing for seniors is a critical need in metro Atlanta. The number of people ages 65 and older will increase by 200% between 2015 and 2050, according to the U.S. Census and Atlanta Regional Commission. One in five people will be 65 or older by year 2030, up from the current ratio of 1 in 8. These people need homes near reliable transportation, health services, and basic retail options.

Successful Tree Planting Project

The community turned out to help plant 56 trees on S. Hairston Nov. 12. It was a great morning!

We planted a mix of Nuttall Oak, Shumard Oak and Bald Cypress on a stretch of S. Hairston on either side of Woodway. This is part of our effort to plant trees from Wesley Chapel to Mountain Industrial along Hairston. Planting trees is an investment in the future. Trees add beauty, economic value, and environmental benefits. So many trees have been lost in our community – here is an opportunity to help restore the tree canopy.

If you missed this project, stay tuned. We hope to have another one next year. Service projects restore the soul.

In the meantime, don’t forget that Trees Atlanta will GIVE you a lovely tree to plant in your front yard. Contact

Welcome to GHHCDC Meetings

The next meeting is Saturday, Dec. 10, 10 a.m., on ZOOM. Please join us because we will  be setting goals for 2023, and we would like your opinions.

Please join by clicking this link:

Meeting ID: 893 8673 6688
Passcode: 894106
Mobile: 1 312-626-6799

Thank you for reading. You can make a difference. Join us at one of the upcoming events.